domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Health as a right!!

Last Tuesday we saw a film about the differents kind of health systems around the world.
It was really interesting because there were a lot thing that I did not know.

For example I am very conscius about the situation here in Chile, with the film I realized that we have the same problem than USA.
There exist a lot of health security companys that seld insurance around that country, in this kind of insurance, people have to pay a monthly instalments in order to accredit that this insurance will cover every kind of desease that thy could have.
It is important to considered that the insurance do not cover all kind of desease and it is very difficult to obtain because when you want to by one, the company investigate all your personal history that had all kind of desease and health problem that you had had in your life.

This system is very bad and unfair, because if you can not pay for that insurence you can not have the right to access to health care in a good hospital, so there are a lot of people that do not have this and they learned how to live with the consecuences.

In the film we saw that Canada and France have a different health system.
All the people have the same opportunity and right to get a good and fast medical attention in any kind of desease, in exchange of paying a high tax.
There exist a different point of view because they think that it is very fair to pay for that people who are sick.

So If we want to change the health care in Chile we have to start changing minds.

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