viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

Why I am studing Kinesiology?

I spent the last two years of my life trying to decide what to study, that's the reason why I chose Bachillerato.
I wanted to be a dentist at first but little by little I realized that I was in love with the human body, and the most important thing is that I love helping people.

In Bachillerato I met a friend, her name is Camila. Camila suffered a terrible accident.
One day she was riding her bike when a car hit her in the hip and she almost lost a leg.
So she told me that she started to walk again because a physical therapist helped her with her rehab, that took almost 2 years.
I found that it was a very emotional situation and in that moment I realized that Physical Therapy was my career.

Last year I met Rodrigo Latorre, that is a physical therapist and professor of Functional Anatomy in the University of Chile.
He is very important for me because he teaches me and my classmates Manual Therapy.
This subject is very important in Physical Therapy because we have to recognize every single part of the human body like bones, muscles , etc.

I think that one of the most important things in this career is to have a good personality, like being nice, entertainig, responsible and reliable.
So I can say that I admired Rodrigo because he is very young, succesful and he is a great person, always worried about his patients and students.

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm agree with you, I think that Physical terapist have to be very nice people and have a great personality.

    About Camila I think that she was very lucky and it's nice to know that now she is okey :)

  2. Pia, it is a touching post, also I admire the work of the physical therapists, but I dont have lied a close exerience.
    And I'm agree with you about the important that Rodrigo Latorre has been. =)

    See you!
